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Civic League Day Nursery has a full-time cook on site. Our cook is certified by the State of Minnesota, and plans well-balanced meals for our children following the guidelines set by the USDA and Minnesota Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Children receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Weekly menus are posted in the center on each classroom bulletin board and on the doors, exiting the center.

We serve our meals family style, when it is appropriate. Serving a meal family style means serving foods in bowls or dishes on the table. The children are encouraged to serve themselves, or serve themselves with the help from an adult. New foods are introduced frequently.

What's Cooking?

Our weekly menu

Our menus are updated weekly. Select the pdf to view it.

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Civic League is very proud to announce that on October 31, 2016, representatives from the MN Department of Agriculture came to CLDN to tour the facility, meet our children (dressed in their Halloween attire!) and sample our lunch menu of the day - showcasing MN grown products prepared by Doreen.


In 2015, CLDN received a grant from the MN Department of Agriculture to revise our menus to support MN grown products and farmers.  Since then, we have increased our offerings of food from MN farmers. These partnerships are critical to supporting our community and have allowed unique opportunities for our children.


We are proud of the partnership we have established with the MN Department of Agriculture, and humbled to be the first childcare center in MN to host them at their facility.

Our meal service is partially funded and supervised by the Minnesota State Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Our food is purchased from local providers and other vendors.


In accordance with Federal Law and the U.S. Department of Agricultural Policy, Civic League Day Nursery is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age and reprisal/retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Civic League Day Nursery adheres by this standard and is an equal opportunity provider. Civic League Day Nursery is an equal opportunity employer.

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