Our Master Gardeners
Beth Plaetzer and Dorothy Wichmann,
Master Gardeners
They started with our "little" project in early spring of 2016 thinking they would just help us get going. As it turns out, "It's their favorite time of the week." (spending time here at Civic League) They love it so much they've really adopted us and come 2-3 times a week to work with your children in the garden and also with staff to enhance curriculum and answer any questions.Thank you, thank you Dorothy and Beth we are truly grateful for your wisdom, guidance and commitment to Civic League Day Nursery!
Fun Facts
Civic league Day Nursery was the first child care center to be awarded a Farm to Childcare Center grant in Minnesota.
MN Department of Agriculture and MN Extension Service visited our center to see our Farm to Childcare.
Two Master Gardeners donated their time, and expertise to begin our garden initiative.
The Master Gardeners and Director attends the "Minnesota Schoolyard Gardens conference at the Arboretum in March.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) of Minnesota in collaboration with MN Extension Agency visited the summer of 2018 to see our garden in full bloom.
Other schools and daycare centers from Minnesota who are interested in starting gardens will join them to learn from us.
The Post Bulletin did a story on our garden efforts with the children.
Our garden is an educational enrichment that is superbly unique and a truly wonderful experience for your children and yourselves. It is their "Outdoor Classroom".
The materials, soil, mulch and upkeep for the garden is paid for (in part) from the yearly enrichment fees collected from you, our families.
Life moves pretty fast when it's captured with a Time Lapse Camera. This video reflects the sunflower and garden growth from June till September. During this time many obstacles were observed. One of which was a pesky bunny rabbit who made our garden his home and munched his way through. See him hoping around? Small wire fences were added to the space to protect our precious produce.
This video captures the sunflower's growth throughout the season and more uniquely solar tracking. Watch to see it dance and move to catch the suns light.